Saturday, February 10, 2018

Donncha Eamonn
Twenty Four

(To be finished...)

True Name-  Donncha Eamonn

Pronunciation-  Dun-ah-kah Ee-mon

Meaning-      "donncha" - "brown haired warrior in the Irish translation
                      "eamon" - "guardian of riches" in the Irish translation

Face Claim: Eddie Redmayne

Voice Claim: Eddie Redmayne

Nicknames: Don, Donnie, Deda, Knight in Shining Armor
Birthdate: October 6th, 532 AD
Birthplace: Belfast, Ireland
Race: 1/2 Irish, 1/2 English
Profession: Ex-Knight, Royal Guardian

- Species -
1/2 Enfield
1/2 Human

Image result for enfield creature

- Appearance -
Donncha has a very subtle appearance. Hollowed out cheekbones arch beneath the fair skin of his heart shaped face. He has a straight, heavily freckled nose with smaller constellations of freckles across his upper cheeks. He stands at 5’11 in a swimmers build, nothing incredibly muscular however he is lean and toned. His eyes are oval shaped, a subtle forestry green that remind one of the hills of Ireland. He has wider yet full pink lips, and straight eyebrows. Donnie’s hair isn’t incredibly thick, however not too thin. Those short locks are a medium brown, and he’s always had a bad case of knight’s helmet hair. Freckles dot most of his upper body; his shoulders, chest and arms, fading as his skin travels down his torso.


Donnie is a very calm, docile creature, leaning more towards the label of an introvert. He'd rather keep to himself than speak his mind most often, finding pleasure in being alone, and the comfort of silence. However, occasionally a fellow does follow him around long enough for Donncha to call them his friend. After that, the Knight is fiercely loyal. Donnie enjoys the most simple of pleasures in life, able to find the beauty in everything, he usually remains an optimist. Kind-hearted and thoughtful,  he is a great hugger and gift giver. However, on the battlefield, this is a whole new Donncha. Never had a man fought so fiercely with such control and precision, skill and complete focus. He is very skilled at doing whatever he puts his mind to, however shy and slightly awkward the Enfield may come off. He definitely tries his best to be liked, usually facing a form of rejection. Yet, Donnie is very persistent. The sweet man can sometimes keep his emotions locked away for safe keeping, and can explode in either misery or anger. He has a flare for the dramatic, to say the least. 

- Origin Story -
The Dark Ages.
After King Arthur’s rule, his magi-raised son, Moldred, had a child with the daughter of a Seelie Fae Queen and the Witch of Centuries, South. The child was Saoirse, last known descendant of King Arthur, heir to the throne.

Deep in the heart of Ireland, Moldred had wandered with his Enfield, Terrel, as ever Anglo Royal must be guarded by these powerful, awe inspiring creatures. When Moldred found the Fae Princess, Terrel found Dierde. A young, carefree Irish
 girl with a heart of fire and the voice of song birds. Terrel and Moldred had found the same fate Ireland’s heart.
Eddie Redmayne - Photo by Nadav Kander for the ObserverMoldred and Terrel did return to England, of course, with the English army, but Dierde had become pregnant. Terrel would be murdered in battle, dying with the honor of a High Knight and Royal Enfield at the hand of Scotsmen. Dierde gave birth to a baby boy with brown hair, who erupted in a war cry the second he breathed.

The brown haired warrior, Dierde would name him Donncha.
He was raised in the woods, venturing deep into the forest, climbing along Ireland’s coast and finding adventure wherever he could. Half English, he was often outcasted by the Irish. However, he was more than just a boy; he was an Enfield, a descendant of a long line of Knights and Royal guardians. He could be so much more than a village boy.

At the age of fourteen, Dierde sent him to England so that he may become a knight, she wanted to give him a better life than the one he would have in Ireland, and Donnie always dreamed of being exactly like his honorable father. Barely making th cut, he was allowed to train to be part of the King’s cavalry. The training was back breaking, soul crushing, leaving him more broken and bruised than he had ever been.
One night, he found a young raven that had fallen from his nest, and moved with pity, young Donncha fed the chick the last of his rations. Naming the raven Cahal, he kept the bird hidden as he raised him, and kept him a secret, it was a miracle Cahal learned to fly. 
Фотографии Eddie Redmayne / Эдди Редмэйн – 86 альбомов

Donncha was made into a knight for his exceptional wielding of a sword and his uncanny skill with horses. He quickly rose in ranks, fighting with the spirit of Gods in battle, he allowed England to conquer. There was a distraction, though.
His name was Cade, another teenage Anglo knight who caught Donnie’s attention quickly. There was more than just friendship between the two cavalrymen. Alas, they had to keep their attraction secret, as man lying with man was punishable by death during these dark times. However, there was no secrets between he two, Donnie even allowed Cade to see his Enfield form.
So many nights were spent hidden in the stables, envoloped in the sweet musk of horses and the warmth of another’s body.  One might even say Donncha and Cade fell in love. Of course there were suspicions, but none were more hateful than another knight named Alec. He set a plot with a band of a Scottish warriors, planning to kidnap and murder both of the traitors to their kingdom. Donncha and Cade were both kidnapped by the Scots, but only one made it out alive.

Donncha was left a shattered man, his escape was only because of the ferocity of his Enfield form. Cade was murdered, Alec had abandoned the scene. However, Alec still wanted Donncha gone. Alec told the King what he saw, the fox creature that Donnie had morphed into. Donnie was brought to court, and to Alec’s displeasure, his Enfield blood had saved him.
Donnie was the son of King Moldred’s beloved Enfield, Terrel, and Donnie, eighteen years old, was then bound to Moldred’s illegitimate, ten year old daughter, Saoirse. He guarded her with his life, fell in love with the little girl, becoming a brother to her. He would stand by Princess Saoirse’s side until the very end.

Th end would be put on hold however, a certain soothsayer would make sure of that.
King Moldred had brought a beautiful woman to court for answers. Her name was Iaophae Rose Race, a Scotswoman. She prophesied that the end of the Saxon reign would come, and inevitable death would come upon the Royal bloodline.
The monarchy would go to great lengths to prevent this. 
The craze did take King Moldred's mind, after exiling his own father. His own insanity drove him to arrange for his daughter to be sealed away in dormant sleep along with Donncha so that they may survive the fall of the Royals. Saoirse, King Arthur and Donnie were to be locked away in semi-eternal slumber, but Donnie had unfinished business.

Iaophae was leaving England but Donnie caught her fast. He spent all the money he could on a sword that would end the lives of the men who killed Cade, a sword so powerful that it could only be the result of powerful magic. Iaophae heeded his plea, and taught the knight blood magic, so that he may use the sword she would make him.
A Rugadh de Fhuil
Born of Blood
With his new sword, he avenged Cade’s death before returning to be hidden in a tomb with his beloved Saoirse.
And so they lie,
Stuck in their age, their era, 
But dormant in time.

The Sword, The Raven and the Coffin

- Tattoos -


- Piercings -

- Scarification and Burns -

- Scars -

- Trivia -

- Ailments, Traumas & Disorders -
- PTSD -
Donncha has fought in various wars for his kingdom back in Old England. As a knight, he has killed and seen many killed before him, both his comrades, fellow soldiers and enemies. Of course, this experience was traumatizing. Night terrors are his most common symptom. 

- Social Anxiety -
It's not easy being different. Donnie knows this better than most. Being the son of a Saxon made him the enemy of the Irishmen. In a single parent household, it was just Donnie and Deirde. He spent much of his time playing alone, except when he was hunted down by the older boys from the village and attacked. This made him used to being alone, not quite socialized yet a few people remain near and dear to him. Donnie has trouble articulating when he gets anxious, often making him come off as awkward.

Father: Terrel Acton
Mother: Deirde Eamon
Brothers: None
Sisters: None
Spouse: n/a
Offspring: n/a

Sexuality- Gay
Relationship Status- Single

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- Forms -
- Enfield Form -
A strange creature at best, from Old English mythology. He has dense russet fur across his fox like body, however he stands at about four feet at the shoulder. A pheasants wings unfold from his back, spanning at about ten feet. His back legs resemble a hunting hounds, however his front legs are like that of an eagles, long and clawed. Donncha in Enfield form has long, sword sharp teeth and keen, unrelenting tawny eyes.

- Fox Form -
There seems to be not a thing out of place with this form. A small, lithe red fox, with thick fur and a long tail, his pelt as red as they come. His fluffy tail is tipped with white, along with a splash of ivory on his chest, and sable brown legs that can carry him far.

- Abilities -
- Blood Witchcraft -
a sect of magick that revolves around the use of blood and the body. can be used for multiple things

- Divination -
to foretell the future, receive visions and act as a spirit medium

- Dream Manipulation  / Communication -
the ability to manipulate dreams, and also communicate through them

- Forestry Creation -
the ability to create forestry

- Healing -
the ability to heal

- Location -
the ability to locate exactly where something or someone is

- Royal Protection -
a state of being that occurs when he is defending the royal he guards; saoirse. he becomes immensely strong and ruthless, even in human form.

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- Relationships -
+ Saoirse la Fey +

+ Brigg +

+ Finn O'Connell +

- Place of Living -

- Pets, Familiars & Companions -
- Cahal -
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This raven is more than just a pet or companion; Cahal is bound to Donncha. If Donncha dies, or is dormant, so does Cahal, if Donncha is awakened or resurrected, so is Cahal. He is a pure black, male raven that has accompanied Donncha since he was a teenager, going through his harsh training to become a knight. Cahal is a very protective, yet quiet and regal bird. His name means "battle," "mighty" and "great warrior" in Irish Gaelic.

{{Exit Donncha}}


{{Enter Writer}}

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